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RF - 4210A100

Manufacturer: BIRD RF show products
Hits: 566
Field Replacement Meter Kit is the same 3-1/2" diameter meter used in the Bird model 43 RF Wattmeter.
Item Name : 4210A100, Wattmeter Meter Movement Kit, 30µA
Current : 30 µA/1400 ohm
Meter Scales : 25/50/100 W
Use with Elements Ref to Category Elements : 1, 2, 3, 3A, 4, 6
The 4210A100 is 3-1/4" square RF Wattmeter pre-mounted in an aluminum case. When combined with the appropriate 7/8" line section, QC connectors and elements you can assemble to a custom rack mount or use as a benchtop wattmeter.
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