Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania 0214103182 0214103064 [email protected]
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  Name Description Category Manufacturer
Antenna Kit SAS-542 at 20 MHz - 330 MHz

Our standard biconical antenna with folding elements ideal for portable applications and to meet various EMC standards.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit SAS-540 at 50 MHz - 220 MHz

This Biconical antenna is the standard workhorse of any EMC test house for emissions testing.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit SAS-521-2 at 25 MHz - 2 GHz

Simplify testing with this hybrid antenna providing an inexpensive solution to wide band applications.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit HFR-3 1 MHz - 10 MHz

Ferrite rod loop antenna.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-HFR 100 Hz - 30 MHz

For applications where high sensitivity is required, A.H. Systems set of H-Field Rods provides an accurate standard for magnetic field testing.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-7G 20 Hz - 7 GHz

This antenna Kit is designed to meet the needs of your various testing requirements.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-571-4 at 700 Mz - 40 GHz

This Antenna Kit provides a convenient solution for increased frequency requirements from 700 MHz to 40 GHz.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-521F-7at 25 Mz - 7 GHz

The folding hybrid (Log periodic/biconical) antenna

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-521F-4 at 25 Mz -4 GHz

The folding hybrid (Log periodic/biconical) antenna

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-521F-2 at 25 Mz - 2 GHz

Ideal for pre-compliance testing and portable applications.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-40G 20 Hz - 40 GHz

With the widest operating frequency range of any manufacturer, this kit stands out by itself.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-285T 1 KHz - 18 GHz

This kit contains the transmit set of sheilding effectiveness antennas.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-285R 1 KHz - 18 GHz

This kit contains the receive set of sheilding effectiveness antennas.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-26G 20 Hz - 26 GHz

Designed to meet the needs of your various testing requirements this 26 GHz antenna kit will satisfy many test standards.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Antenna Kit AK-18G 20 Hz - 18 GHz

This kit is ideal for compliance and pre-compliance testing upto 7 GHz.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Monopole Antennas SAS-551A 1 KHz - 30 MHz

High power passive monopole antenna with an RF transformer designed for optimal antenna efficiency covering 1 KHz - 30 MHz

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Monopole Antennas SAS-551 9 KHz - 40 MHz

Our Passive monopole for transmitting applications covering the frequency range of 9 KHz - 40 MHz.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Monopole Antennas SAS-550-2B 100 Hz - 60 MHz

This Active Monopole provides superior performance for electric field measurements in the lower frequency range.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Monopole Antennas SAS-550-1B 9 KHz - 60 MHz

A.H. Systems Active Monopole Antenna is an active, general-purpose, broadband monopole antenna.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
Octive Horn Antennas SAS-590-12 - Frequency - 4.0 GHz to 8.0 GHz - Gain - 15.5

Standard Gain Horn Antennas for emissions and immunity testing over the frequency range of 4 to 8 GHz.

This Octave horn antenna has high gain and low VSWR; excellent for both immunity and emissions testing.

2.2 - Antennas for compliance testing A.H. Systems
