Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania 0214103182 0214103064 [email protected]
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  Name Description Category Manufacturer
Net.Time φ Clocks

Net.Time φ (Phi) is a PTP/NTP over PRP clock designed to facilitate the integration of conventional substations based on GPS and IRIG-B with the new IEC 61850 standards by offering all kind of interconnection facilities.

4.2.Lan Network Testing Albedo Telecom
Net.Time Ω Clock

Net.Time Ω (Omega) is a PTP/NTP over PRP clock allows for multiple configurations to meet the timing demands of any industry, including data centres, stock exchange, broadcast, IoT, power utilities, or air traffic control. The result is always a reliable and fault-tolerant solution to loss of reference, network outages and power failures. Simultaneously Net.Time ω simplifies the migration to PTP without abandoning investments in NTP, IRIG-B or BITS, facilitating on this way the integration, interaction/translation of all types of signals, profiles or protocols.

4.2.Lan Network Testing Albedo Telecom

Command-and-Control and Weapons Control System Products

NTDS Matrix Switches provide the ability to prepare the desired ship or pre-programmed combat system configuration with the simple push of a button

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF

Command-and-Control and Weapons Control System Products

NTDS Matrix Switches provide the ability to prepare the desired ship or pre-programmed combat system configuration with the simple push of a button

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF

Command-and-Control and Weapons Control System Products

NTDS Matrix Switches provide the ability to prepare the desired ship or pre-programmed combat system configuration with the simple push of a button

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF
NTDS Seria Switch XBER-4 Tester

XBER-4 Tester Type E Serial Switch Bit-Error Rate Tester

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF
NTDS Seria Switch XBER-4 Tester

XBER-4 Tester Type E Serial Switch Bit-Error Rate Tester

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF

NTDS Fiber Optic Extenders

Fiber Optic Extenders provide a simple means to interconnect up to four Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS)

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF

Type E Serial, Fiber Optic Extender

The FX-4S Fiber Optic Extender provides a simple means to interconnect up to four Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS) Type E Serial devices with other devices located up to 14 km apart.

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF
NTFSS 128-Channel

The NTFSS, Naval Tactical Fiber Switching System Non-blocking 128-Channel NTDS Universal Matrix Switch features a flexible and scalable switch matrix architecture which meets the needs of centrally or remotely located NTDS parallel and serial applications.

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF
PAM-0101 10 MHz - 1 GHz

With 50 dB of gain, this preamplifier is great at improving system sensitivity for frequencies from 10 MHz to 1000 MHz

Radio Accessories A.H. Systems
PAM-0118P 20 MHz - 18 GHz

Our most popular and versatile preamplifier covering the frequency range of 20 MHz – 18 GHz .Broadband 18 GHz preamplifier with input protection.

Radio Accessories A.H. Systems
PAM-0126 20 MHz - 26.5 GHz

The broadest frequency range preamplifier that compliments the 26 GHz Antenna Kit and will improve the overall measurement range.

Radio Accessories A.H. Systems
PAM-0202 20 MHz - 2 GHz

Improve system sensitivity up to 2 GHz with this preamplifier.

Radio Accessories A.H. Systems
PAM-0204 20 MHz - 4 GHz

24 dB gain preamplifier for general purpose test applications.

Radio Accessories A.H. Systems
PAM-0207A 20 MHz - 7 GHz

General purpose RF preamplifier for test and measurement applications between the frequency of 20 MHz to 7 GHz.

Radio Accessories A.H. Systems
PAM-1826 18 GHz - 26.5 GHz

This preamplifier matches the SAS-572 horn antenna frequency range and ideal solution for improving system sensitivity.

Radio Accessories A.H. Systems
PAM-1840 18 GHz - 40 GHz

A wide band preamplifier that is used for higher frequency testing applications to boost the amplitude of low power RF sources.

Radio Accessories A.H. Systems
PAM-1840VH 18 GHz - 40 GHz

High dynamic range RF preamplifier designed specifically for the SAS-574 broadband horn antenna and has 35 dB of gain.

Radio Accessories A.H. Systems
PAM-2640 26.5 GHz - 40 GHz

This preamplifier matches the SAS-573 horn antenna frequency range and ideal solution for improving system sensitivity.

Radio Accessories A.H. Systems
