Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania 0214103182 0214103064 [email protected]
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  Name Description Category Manufacturer
RF - 3129A Display

Digital RF Power Monitor Display

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF

Command-and-Control and Weapons Control System Products

NTDS Matrix Switches provide the ability to prepare the desired ship or pre-programmed combat system configuration with the simple push of a button

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF

Dual Channel RF Record and Playback IQC5000B

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF
IQC91000A Wideband RF

RF Record & Playback Systems IQC91000A Wideband RF

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF

Command-and-Control and Weapons Control System Products

NTDS Matrix Switches provide the ability to prepare the desired ship or pre-programmed combat system configuration with the simple push of a button

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF

Command-and-Control and Weapons Control System Products

NTDS Matrix Switches provide the ability to prepare the desired ship or pre-programmed combat system configuration with the simple push of a button

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF

Command-and-Control and Weapons Control System Products

NTDS Matrix Switches provide the ability to prepare the desired ship or pre-programmed combat system configuration with the simple push of a button

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF
NTDS Seria Switch XBER-4 Tester

XBER-4 Tester Type E Serial Switch Bit-Error Rate Tester

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF
NTDS Seria Switch XBER-4 Tester

XBER-4 Tester Type E Serial Switch Bit-Error Rate Tester

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF

NTDS Fiber Optic Extenders

Fiber Optic Extenders provide a simple means to interconnect up to four Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS)

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF

Type E Serial, Fiber Optic Extender

The FX-4S Fiber Optic Extender provides a simple means to interconnect up to four Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS) Type E Serial devices with other devices located up to 14 km apart.

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF
NTFSS 128-Channel

The NTFSS, Naval Tactical Fiber Switching System Non-blocking 128-Channel NTDS Universal Matrix Switch features a flexible and scalable switch matrix architecture which meets the needs of centrally or remotely located NTDS parallel and serial applications.

Military and ground mobile radio BIRD RF
RF - 3126A

Single Carrier, Wattcher RF Monitor

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF
RF - 3127A

Single Carrier, Wattcher RF Monitor

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF
RF - 3128A

Single Carrier, Wattcher RF Monitor

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF
RF - 3141 - Channel Power Monitor Display

Radio System Monitoring

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF
RF - 3170B

Dual Meter - Dual Element, Single Carrier Wattcher® RF Monitor

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF
RF - 4042 - Channel Power Monitor

Radio System Health Monitoring Solutions

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF
RF - 4042E - Ethernet Channel Power Sensor Monitor

A powerful monitoring solution for smaller radio networks.

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF
RF - 4043 - Channel Power Monitor

Directional Power Sensors

2.1.Testing and measurement products - RF BIRD RF
