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Luni - Vin, 2022
8:00 – 18:30
Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania
Solution for commissioning and monitoring a GOOSE installation, consisting of a tap and a protocol analyser. Net.Shark is the tap that filters and forwards messages to GOOSE Monitor, the application that analyses the messages in real time.
Substations using GOOSE have to deal with thousands of messages exchanged between IEDs. Trying to determine whether a particular sequence is working properly is difficult, while identifying the causes of a failure or malfunction can be almost impossible because the messages are cryptic to decode or correlate.
Fig 1. GOOSE Auditor Displays the Topology and analizes the Protocol.
GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) is a fundamental protocol of the IEC 61850 standard for managing critical operations that require low latency and immediate action, such as circuit trips, fault detection or teleprotection. Nodes interested in a particular function must register as Subscribers before receiving the corresponding GOOSE messages sent by Publishers.
Fig 2. GOOSE Monitor includes IED List, IED Diagram, IED Details, and a Log.
GOOSE Auditor accurately and quickly identifies the information contained in the messages and displays the data structures and alarms, eliminating the need to look at tables or interpret details that are difficult to remember and are not a safe way to work in critical applications. GOOSE Auditor does all this automatically, displaying network relationships, protocol flows and status recording the event in a log to help interpret the GOOSE protocol safely and quickly.
GOOSE Monitor displays the IED topology, imported directly from the SCL files, which can be modified manually. It also lists the inventory of IEDs with alerts, publications, subscriptions, and all the information blocks, events, logs that describe the configuration and activity of each IED.
GOOSE Auditor facilitates the design of substations, the IEDs configuration and monitors the operation providing information on data structure, traffic, status and alert. All the messages and events can be are reported in the log.
GOOSE Auditor can support GOOSE deployment by decoding messages, checking latencies, detecting rogue and invalid messages, generating special commands that are key factors to consider when verifying Device Compatibility, Network Topology, Message Configuration, and Network Security.
IEC-61850 acceptance and commissioning requires a detailed and rigorous testing process using GOOSE Auditor including Documentation, Configuration, Testing and Connectivity.
With GOOSE Audit substation engineers view the complete architecture of the network and it displays messages flows and state changes of devices in real-time while highlights the events, errors or alarms that may occur.
Luni - Vin, 2022
8:00 – 18:30
Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania