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Horn Antennas SAS-586-10 - Frequency - 12.4 GHz to 18 GHz - Gain - 10.0

Manufacturer: A.H. Systems show products
Hits: 797


This Standard Gain Horn Antenna will provide reliable, repeatable measurements. An ideal solution and a standard workhorse of any EMC test house for compliance testing.


  • 12.4 GHz to 18 GHz
  • Individually Calibrated at 1 Meter Horizontal Polarity
  • FCC, MIL-STD, VDE and TEMPEST Testing
  • Rugged Construction
  • Three Year Warranty

Product Details

The Standard Gain Horn Antennas are designed specifically for utilization in emissions and immunity testing over the frequency range of 1 to 40 GHz. Each antenna is linearly polarized and has medium gain, low VSWR, and a constant antenna factor. The Standard Gain Horn performance is very precise and predictable through design parameters. Comparisons of measured versus computed antenna factors and gain have been shown to be +/- 0.5 dB. Therefore, the antenna is considered to be a standard reference, similar to that of a resonant dipole below 1 GHz. The coax-to-waveguide adapter is the only power-limiting component on the antenna and can be removed if high fields are desired. Each Standard Gain Horn comes with a tripod mount that adapts to any tripod with 1/4-20 male threads. Horizontal and vertical polarization is obtained by rotating the antenna on the tripod.

Included parts:
  • SAS-586 Antenna with attached waveguide to coax adapter and tripod mount
  • Antenna Calibration Manual


SAC-18G-3 - 3 Meter N/N Low-Loss Cable, ATU-514 - Plastic Tripod, AEZ-510 - Az and El Head



Antenna Kit Specifications

SAS-586-20 Standard Gain Horn Antenna
Frequency Range: 12.4 GHz - 18 GHz
Antenna Factor (1 meter) 34 dB/m
Gain 10.0 dBi
Maximum Continuous Power: 200 Watts
Beamwidth E-plane 56.0°
Beamwidth H-plane 51.0°
Impedance: 50 ohm
VSWR: 1.3:1 (1.6:1 max) 
Connector: WR-62 to N-Type female adapter


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