Despre noi
Luni - Vin, 2022
8:00 – 18:30
Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania
Radio System Monitoring
3141, Channel Power Monitor Display monitors all aspects of your LMR system. Continuously monitor radio performance, combiner loss and antenna/feedline characteristics to identify and alarm on critical changes. With the data logging function, long term performance monitoring can be used to identify changes before they negatively impact system enabling your preventative maintenance team to address problems before they occur. Solutions are available for the entire range of land mobile radio frequencies from 144 MHz to 940 MHz.
Setup and monitoring is simple with the built-in web server available anywhere there is an internet connection and a web browser, so it is as close as the computer on your desk or your mobile phone using our Android app. Receive SNMP alerts or just check up on your system at your convenience.
Luni - Vin, 2022
8:00 – 18:30
Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania