Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania 0214103182 0214103064


Manufacturer: BIRD RF show products
Hits: 645

The IQC5000B series of products is the industry's smallest, high-fidelity, dual-channel RF Record & Playback systems. With up to 255 MHz of record and playback bandwidth, the IQC5000B Series, RF Record & Playback System can meet long-duration recording needs from HF to millimeter wavelengths in mission-critical applications.

Supporting today's operational security requirements, the IQC5000B has 4TB of removable storage and can provide an impressive 55 minutes of single-channel record time at full bandwidth. For additional capabilities, up to 24 TB with the system’s external data packs provides over 3 hours of single-channel record time at full bandwidth.


  • 255 MHz RF streaming bandwidth on record and playback
  • Low-cost, removable storage options
  • Dual channel time-synchronous recording
  • Fast offload speeds using cabled PCI Express
  • Compatible with Keysight®, Rhode & Schwarz®, Anritsu®, and Tektronix® signal analyzers


  • Interference Analysis
  • Electronic Warfare
  • Surveillance
  • Spectrum Management
  • Drone Detection
  • Device Test Validation


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