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Luni - Vin, 2022
8:00 – 18:30
Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME). ATC-5000NG NextGen Transponder/DME Test Set and ADS-B Target Generator. Prepare for Global ATC Modernization with NextGen test technology.
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME). Next Generation Update to the ATB-7300 NAV/COM Test System Bench top signal generator for OEMs and MRO Return-to-Service for confirming VHF, ILS LOC and GS, VOR, ADF and Marker Beacon performance.
The AT-One is the ultimate TDM tester T1 and E1 tester designed in 2015 and launched in 2016 for field engineers that are installing, commissioning and troubleshooting T1, E1 links, Synchonization Networks, and Datacom circuits. This instrument, designed and manufactured in Europe by ALBEDO Telecom, is a brand new platform, incorporating the latest available electronics, consequently you will enjoy top performance, high accuracy and, of course, a very competitive price.
The AT-2048 is the ultimate E1 tester designed in 2011 & 2012 for field engineers that are installing, commissioning and troubleshooting E1 links, Synchonization Networks, and Datacom circuits. This instrument, designed and manufactured in Europe by ALBEDO Telecom, is a brand new platform, incorporating the latest available electronics, consequently you will enjoy top performance, high accuracy and, of course, a very competitive price.
This antenna radome enclosure is an ideal solution for mounting the horn antenna in harsh environments.
AQ6380 OSA: 5 pm high wavelength resolution, ±5 pm accuracy, 65 dB wide close-in dynamic range, 80 dB high stray light suppression
Spectrum analyzer model covering the MWIR region over 5 μm. AQ6370D optical analyzer model with highest resolution (up to 20 pm)
MWIR WAVELENGTH with internal gas purge and cut filter. The AQ6376E is the latest version of our bench-top optical spectrum analyzer extending the wavelength coverage well beyond the NIR range of our previous models into the MWIR region from 1500 to 3400 nm.
High Performance LONG WAVELENGTH
The AQ6150B measures the wavelength and power levels of both CW and Modulated optical signals from transceivers and WDM transmission systems.
A 12-channel optical switch box that effectively improves workability with YOKOGAWA OTDRs.
"Hot-swapping" capability and remote monitoring and control are even easier with Ethernet support.
Luni - Vin, 2022
8:00 – 18:30
Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania