Despre noi
Luni - Vin, 2022
8:00 – 18:30
Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania
High-Power Wattmeter
Cellular Specialist Wattmeter
Cellular Specialist Wattmeter, PEP, Single Element, Wattmeter.
Cellular Specialist Wattmeter, PEP-Dual Element, Power Analyst
General Purpose Wattmeter
Multipower Wattmeter
Multipower Wattmeter
Variable Tap, RF Wattmeter
Single Meter- Single Element, Panel-Mount Wattmeter
Single Meter - Dual Element and Selector Switch, Panel-Mount Wattmeter
Dual Meter - Dual Element, Panel-Mount Wattmeter
Dual Meter, 2 to 512 MHz with Sampler Port
Average Reading Power Meter
RF Expansion Module for SPHEREA ATEC® Test Systems
The RF Expansion Module (RFEM) is designed to support testing of airborne RF components on the ATEC® Test System. Developed and manufactured by VIAVI Test Solutions in partnership with SPHEREA, the RFEM provides a convenient platform that is completely compatible with new and existing ATEC® Test Systems.
A library of TPS solutions is currently in development by VIAVI Solutions that will cover the full range of navigation, communication, TCAS, transponder, and other RF systems. The product strategy has full OEM support and CMM listing.
Key Customer Advantages
The RF instrumentation package includes the VIAVI PXI format synthetic instrument modules for both signal generation and analysis. These products offer very high performance in a compact size, permitting greater resource density in the RFEM tower.
RGS-2000NG NextGen TCAS Test Set. The premier test solution for development, certification, test and repair of Traffic Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS) and transponders. Designed for engineering development, design validation, manufacturing and return-to-service TCAS testing
Our Standard RF cables are assembled to meet the needs of any Test lab.
Our custom made microwave/RF cable assemblies provide repeatable, reliable performance for use in a variety of commercial and industrial applications.
3 Meter RF cable with N(m) to N(m) connectors. Custom lengths can be made to suit your specifications.
1.5 Meter RF cable with N(m) to N(m) connectors. Custom lengths can be made to suit your specifications.
BPME Series : Monitor, Measure and Protect your RF System
Luni - Vin, 2022
8:00 – 18:30
Str. Dr. Louis Pasteur nr. 8, sector 5, 050535, Bucuresti, Romania