GPON Doctor 9k7

GPON Doctor 4k9
Category: 4.2.Lan Network Testing
Manufacturer: Albedo Telecom
Hits: 804
GPON Doctor 9k7

The GPON Doctor 9k7 (GPD 9k5) is a reliable device designed for detecting, monitoring, and resolving issues related to FTTH XGSPON-based networks. It is highly portable, battery-powered, and built to withstand rugged field conditions, making it the ideal choice for identifying and troubleshooting protocols or IP services.

Furthermore, it can perform interoperability checks and conformance validation, making it a valuable tool for ensuring network compliance. GPON Doctor 9k7 is a highly capable and self-contained test solution that expertly processes OAM, PLOAM, and OMCI management information. Its real-time traffic extraction of multimedia services is unparalleled, making it the ideal solution for XGS-PON telecom operators during the deployment, maintenance, and troubleshooting phases of XGS/GPON. Additionally, it is a valuable tool for ONUs/OLT vendors seeking conformity and interoperability validation.

The analysis software interprets the captured data, enabling the user to trace all control frames. Moreover, it can estimate the network topology of the XGS-PON. ONT and OLT state machines, established data channels, exchanged configuration, E/R OMCI diagrams, analysis, and bandwidth graphs for each ONT per T-CONT.

Fig 1. GPON Doctor 9k7 is a user friendly appliance for FTTH deployments.

Its high-performance hardware capture card, portable battery-powered chassis, and robust software application make it the ideal solution for efficient network monitoring. GPD 9k5 is a powerful tool that captures all upstream and downstream data simultaneously, enabling the identification of PON status, entities, and their relations, as well as bandwidth allocation, consumption, and deviations from the standard.

Key Features

GPON-Doctor 9k7's Traffic Capture feature extracts and decodes FTTH traffic using ITU-T standards. It identifies the topology of ONT, OLT, and data channels, creating graphs that display the bandwidths of each channel.

With just one click

GPON Doctor identifies issues in real-time by connecting to a fiber termination point within the XGS-PON network.

Real-time XGS-PON Capture

The tool captures data from the fiber at a bit-level in both downstream and upstream directions, including OMCI and XGSTC/GTC messages, to facilitate the monitoring of negotiation processes and configurations. It provides real-time updates on the status of ONTs, XGEM ports, and T-CONTs, displaying the topology.

Fig 2. GPON Doctor infers the state of the FTTH network under analysis.


The OMCI entity/relationship diagram presents alarms and errors, along with bandwidth allocation diagrams for ONT and TCONT. Additionally, optional bandwidth allocation time evolution diagrams can be included.

Network topology

The network topology is determined by analyzing the captured data through XGS-PON control information, specifically OAM, PLOAM, OMCI, and DBA. This analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the composition and status of network components, including the ONTs and the OLT.

QoS assessment

GPONDoctor 9k7 empowers users to regenerate services on an XGS-PON network. Specifically, it enables real-time extraction and reassembly of multicast video to display on the GPONDoctor screen. This feature is perfect for evaluating the quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) of services configured over a PON.

The evaluation rules identify

Evaluation rules are applied to identify deviations from expected behavior regarding protocol conformity to ITU-T G.984.x, G.988, ITU-T G.987.2, G.989.3 standards. GPON Doctor

Fig 3. GPON Doctor 9k7 in Operation.

GPD 9k7 in operation

Optimizing GPON

CAPEX can be significantly lowered by implementing multi-vendor ONUs. This requires any OLT to communicate with any ONT, irrespective of the manufacturer. The fundamental concerns of FTTH networks must be tackled:

  • Commercial use of various versions of the standard,
  • ONUs and OLTs made by a different manufacturer may not be accepted.
  • OMCI can be complex and vendors may misinterpret the standard.
  • The heterogeneity of IP service provisioning is also a reason for errors.

FTTH acceptance

It is crucial to understand the basics of PON networks as the splitter only allows a portion of the power to reach an ONT. Monitoring and controlling this attenuation is important to prevent failures during challenging conditions.

FTTH XGS-PON networks are implemented using passive optical components to divide the fibre stretch and create a tree-like topology with a single point of origin and N destinations. These standards are outlined by the FSAN and detailed in the ITU-T G.988/G.987.2/G.989.3.

The protocol test identifies errors in negotiation and transmission between XGS-PON devices caused by non-compliance with the standards. GPONDoctor 9k7 is necessary to identify interoperability deficiencies in cases of multi-vendor validation.

IP Services certification

The GPONDoctor, in combination with xGenius, a synthetic traffic generator, ensures the accurate transmission of IP services, including video and data, over the FTTH network. This functionality enables the emulation of IPTV channels, VoD flows, and real-time reproduction of voice streams to analyze QoS and QoE and identify the sources of degradation and failures with confidence.

GPON DoctorFig 4. Analysis GPON Doctor 9k7 (click to enlarge).

Laboratory & Field Operation

Being portable, and rugged it is an ideal companion for FTTH problem identification in the field, concerning GPON protocol or IP service provisioning. It also serves as a potent tool for interoperability checking and conformance validation.